My daughter is having a baby!! It's due tomorrow, but we have had a few false starts. Oh the anticipation is driving me nuts!! Poor Kai is tearing his hair out as he waits to see his sister/brother. He has bought a teddy ready to take to the hospital and a Christmas present of a bib that plays Jingle Bells and a pair of sheep faced booties.
Poor Christine is HUGE, she has been suffering from sympathis pubis disfunction almost from 4 months. It is an instability in her pelvis caused by a big baby getting big quickly. Still the worst seems to be over after getting some physiotherapy from the Royal London and now that the baby's head has engaged. But ooooh how I want to see the little blighter!! Come on baby, come on. I know you are nicely cooked, now just hurry up and get here safely!!!
I'll second that. C'mon little 'un, do us all a favour and take that big step into the world.
I found your blog by searching for sympathis pubis disfunction and just wanted to say that it isn't always caused by a big baby. My son was just 6lb 4oz at birth but I carried a lot of water so looked much bigger than his size would suggest. I do sympathise with your daughter because the pain can be almost intolerable at times and yet those who have never suffered from this problem expect us to carry on as usual with very little real sympathy. "It's just a pregnancy, get on with it" is what my mother used to tell me. Sure, she had 4 kids but sailed through her pregnancies - if only I'd be as lucky!
Thanks for your post Kitty. The baby arrived. 10lb and 7ozs. She is still having some problem with the sympathis oubis but it is early days yet. Physio helped her a lot.
I can second what Kitty said. My youngest was about 7lb (we did things in kilos in Norway) but I had SPD too and yes, it hurts like hell. I was told that in my case it was caused by the way the baby had placed itself. I guess there are lots of reasons why it can happen.
Carol. It takes a while before it stops giving you gip but for me it was a couple of weeks before I could move around without any pain. I'd still get the odd twinge and was told to lose weight because the heavier you are, the longer it'll take to get over it but I wasn't a good girl and stayed "big".
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